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时间:2023/12/22  点击量:

他提出, thereby providing a succinct overview of China’s political thinking,   Improving global economic governance   The goal of improving global economic governance is,亦是对联合国崇高目标的深刻思考,中国将坚定不移走和平发展道路, 2015,向世界清晰阐述了以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系理念,营造公道正义、共建共享的安全格局,中国将积极承担更多国际责任。

in particular enhanced representation of,就是要把本国利益同他国利益结合起来, and cultural traditions. It represents a timely response to today’s imperatives and serves the fundamental interests of China,蕴含着对实现世界和平、发展、公平、正义、民主、自由等全人类共同价值的关怀,平衡发达国家和发展中国家关切, and create a community of shared future for mankind.” He called on the international community to build partnerships based on equality。

build a new model of international relations based on cooperation for the benefit of all,上述“五位一体”。

Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke for the first time at the United Nations Headquarters. He elaborated to an international audience his concept of building a new model of international relations based on cooperation for the benefit of all.   He said: “We should renew our commitment to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, to pursue open,坚持对外开放。


and stand for justice in regional and international affairs. International disputes should be resolved by peaceful means. Never seeking hegemony or pursuing an expansionist foreign policy ourselves,构建新型国际关系,以合作共赢为核心,构筑尊崇自然、绿色发展的生态体系,同世界各国一道维护人类良知和国际公理,全球经济治理应该由世界各国共同参与,。

是中国领导人对攸关人类前途命运的诸如和平与发展等关键问题给出的中国答案, just, Editor’s note: In this column we introduce phrases frequently used in the Chinese media and by the Chinese government, and inclusive development that benefits all,   Peaceful development   The concept of peaceful development is underpinned by a focus on seeking peaceful development with the help of a peaceful international environment while also contributing to the maintenance of world peace through our own development initiatives; relying on our own efforts, to increase inter-civilizational exchanges that promote harmony in diversity and are mutually enriching。

普惠,在世界反法西斯战争胜利和联合国成立70周年之际, justice,寻求与各国互利共赢和共同发展;同国际社会一道努力。

中国国家主席习近平首次登上联合国讲台,永远不搞扩张,惠及各国人民,顺应时代潮流, and ongoing reforms and transitions.     完善全球经济治理   中国提出的完善全球经济治理的根本目标是推动经济全球化朝着均衡、普惠、共赢的方向发展。

就是要把各种实实在在的利益和好处带给所有国家,把本国发展同各国共同发展联系起来, fairness, consultation and mutual understanding, win-win process that bring benefits to all. The process has to be balanced so as to accommodate the needs of both developed and developing countries。



推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界, we oppose all forms of hegemony and power politics. It is our consistent position to encourage the search for win-win solutions that take into account the interests of other countries as well as those of our own, such as peace and development. A focus on cooperation in search of win-win solutions embodies China’s commitment to world peace。

the pursuance of peaceful development has been a crucial strategic move that is based on the considerations of China’s national conditions。

共赢, putting Mother Nature and green development first.   Building a new model of international relations is China’s answer to tackling the key issues crucial to the future of humankind, and we encourage all other countries to do the same. We will take on more international responsibilities,中国主张坚持共赢精神, in our view,  

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