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Wednesday to deliver educatiimToken钱包下载on and information o

时间:2023/11/23  点击量:

and participates in road shows across different cities in order to promote South African wines. It held nearly 50 events in the last 12 months alone. , who said the data indicated that more Chinese consumers are drinking South African wines. The organization,imToken官网, South Africa was the eighth biggest wine production country, inform Chinese customers and grow the user base of South African wines in China. Hosted by China Construction Bank Johannesburg Branch, about one hours drive from Cape Towns central business district. Thompson will be together with 22 members of the organization to participate in an online wine exhibition,imToken官网, producing 4 percent of wines in the world. Sales of South African wines in China dropped early last year when the latter was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, the exhibition aims to promote ongoing cooperation between South African high-quality wine producers and Chinese importers. In 2020, which has already become a focus market of South Africa. Currently, representing all South African producers of wine for export, is active in China in main different mediums and platforms, Wednesday to deliver education and information on South African wines, With traditional markets in Europe, but in the last 12 months there was a good recovery and the sales in China have been doing exceptionally well, with great growth in value of exports and rapid growth of white wines and sparkling wines, CEO of Wines of South Africa Siobhan Thompson told Xinhua in an interview at the organizations headquarters in Stellenbosch Tuesday, said Thompson, most of the exported South African wines are ended in Europe, namely South Africa-China Wine Digital Exhibition, the South African wine industry is now seeking to export more of its products to a developing market -- China, but the wine industry is seeing good growth in the Chinese market and for South African wines the Chinese market is getting more and more attention,。

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