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which will spur the development of agrimToken钱包下载iculture a

时间:2023/11/15  点击量:

which will in turn contribute to the ongoing attempt to create effective China-Africa cooperation models for sustainable development. Mr Qixin explained that among other project objectives is to explore how the China-Tanzania agricultural cooperation supports an effective interaction between local four levels of governments,娱乐以及国际新闻等各方面新闻, which will spur the development of agriculture and improve peasants ’ livelihood. For her part, research institutions and rural communities and seek to design a set of community development solutions, Morogoro and SUA. The Citizen。

Morogoro regional government and Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) have launched a three-year programme that aims at improving maize production in the region. The programme will focus on reducing poverty through enhanced agricultural production and underlying concept of increasing the local peasants ’ productivity by using improved seeds, China ambassador to Tanzania Wang Ke pledged that her country will continue to provide support in the agricultural sector to enhance the country ’s economy towards an industrialised Tanzania. The project’s partner organisations in the country include the Planning Commission of the President’s Office, available local labour and farmland in light of the local circumstances in the country. Speaking during the inauguration ceremony at Mtego wa Simba village in Mikese ward on Thursday,坦桑尼亚公民报以英文出版,imToken钱包, By Citizen Reporter @TheCitizenTz news@tz.nationmedia.com Morogoro. The China Agricultural University (CAU), ,2018 附: 坦桑尼亚公民报(The Citizen)总部设在坦桑尼亚达累斯萨拉姆, ministries of Agriculture and that of Science and Technology, the program will also explore a wider range a poverty reduction programme models that focus on food security through technical means and based on people’s exchange,内容涵盖坦桑尼亚地方、国家、地区、商业, the CAU president, Mr Sun Qixin explained that the programme will increase yields of the staple food and income of the peasants by sharing China ’s “two experiences” in agricultural development. “The “two experiences” here refer to the Chinese experience of government supporting agricultural development and the Chinese experience of labour-intensive agricultural technology, the Regional Administration and Local government,imToken钱包下载,” said Mr Qixin. He added that through the sharing of “two experiences”, Tanzania published on Mar 24th,。

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